Cookie Policy

In our Cookie Policy, we inform you about the use of cookies on,,, and

For further questions about cookies on,,, please contact us at or by writing to Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH, MQM 3.3, Maria-Jacobi-Gasse 1, 1030 Vienna.

For further questions about cookies on and, please contact us at or by writing to Wiener Zeitung GmbH, MQM 3.3, Maria-Jacobi-Gasse 1, 1030 Vienna.

Further data protection information can be found in our privacy policy.

Cookies are text files stored on your device

Cookies are small text files that are stored via the browser on a storage medium of the device used by website visitors (PC, notebook, tablet, smartphone, etc.). A browser is a program for displaying websites. The stored information is retrieved on subsequent visits to the website, enabling the website to recognize the device.

Distinction between cookies according to their technical necessity

In general, a distinction can be made between technically necessary and technically unnecessary cookies.

Technically necessary cookies for the functionality of our website

Technically necessary cookies ensure the functionality of our website and are essential for the operation of the website. No consent from website visitors is required for technically necessary cookies.

Technically unnecessary cookies to improve the website offering for our customers and to present targeted advertising

Technically unnecessary cookies are cookies that are not necessary for the operation of the website, such as analysis cookies and advertising cookies. With the help of analysis cookies, the following can be measured:

  • the number of users of the website,
  • the number of sessions on the website,
  • visitor sources, bounce rate, and
  • session duration
  • browser information
  • date and time of visit
  • device type
  • geographical location
  • IP address
  • mouse movements
  • visited pages
  • referrer URL
  • screen resolution
  • unique device identifier
  • language information

This helps us further develop and improve our website, as we can quickly recognize which areas of the website are of particular interest to website visitors and where there is a need for improvement. Based on the collected data, we can better structure the website menus and place content more user-friendly.

Through the use of advertising cookies, targeted, personalized advertising can be presented to website visitors. Personalized or targeted advertising refers to advertising whose content is tailored to the interests of website visitors, especially concerning demographic data such as age and gender.

Through the analysis of the website, it can be checked which content is of interest to website visitors. Remarketing campaigns can display targeted or personalized advertisements on different channels.

Targeted or personalized advertisements in the form of remarketing are only permissible based on granted consent (“advertising cookies” and “accept all cookies”) in the cookie banner.

Use of Google Analytics or Google services (Google Tag Manager)

Technically unnecessary cookies come, among other things, from the website analysis service provider Google, based in the United States (Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). According to a decision by the ECJ, the USA does not provide an adequate level of data protection. Information on the data protection of the web analysis service provider can be found on the company’s website (

In connection with the use of Google services, profiling takes place. Data subjects have the right to object to profiling activities.

The cookies set by the web analysis service provider in the event of consent generate an anonymous identifier that enables the recognition of website visitors on subsequent website visits. The recorded data is stored together with the anonymous identifier, enabling the evaluation of user profiles. When using the service provider’s cookies, IP address anonymization is activated, which excludes conclusions about the identity of the website visitors.

In the case of advertisements on third-party websites, personalized advertising is based on the consent of the website visitors to advertising cookies or by storing files on the end device of the website visitors from which information can be read. This allows previously visited websites to be derived and targeted advertising for these websites to be displayed on other websites. The processing of personal data (IP address in shortened or anonymized form, data on the end device of the website visitors) takes place in a form that does not allow conclusions about the identity of the natural person.

The receipt of these advertisements on third-party websites can be prevented by website visitors making appropriate settings on their end devices that suppress third-party cookies.

Use of Microsoft Bing Ads

Technically unnecessary cookies come, among other things, from Bing Ads, the conversion tracking of Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA. A cookie is stored on your computer by Microsoft Bing Ads if you reached our website via a Microsoft Bing ad. Microsoft Bing and we can thus recognize that someone clicked on an ad, was redirected to our website, and reached a predetermined target page (conversion page). No personal information about the user’s identity is shared.

The receipt of these advertisements on third-party websites can be prevented by website visitors making appropriate settings on their end devices that suppress third-party cookies. In addition, you can prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website as well as the processing of this data by Microsoft by declaring your objection at the following link: Further information on data protection and the cookies used by Microsoft and Bing Ads can be found on the Microsoft website at

Use of Hotjar or services from Hotjar

Technically unnecessary cookies come, among other things, from the website analysis service provider Hotjar Limited, based in Malta (Hotjar Limited, Dragonara Business Centre, 5th Floor, Dragonara Road, Paceville St Julian‘s STJ 3141, Malta).

Hotjar collects data on the behavior of website visitors and their end devices in the event of consent to set cookies and other technologies, particularly the IP address of the device (which is only collected and stored in anonymized form during your website use), screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), information about the browser used, location (country only), preferred language for displaying the above websites.

Hotjar stores this information in a pseudonymized user profile on our behalf. Hotjar is contractually prohibited from selling the data collected on our behalf.

The processing of personal data (IP address in shortened or anonymized form, data on the end device of the website visitors) takes place in a form that does not allow conclusions about the identity of the natural person.

Consent (“Accept all cookies”) to analysis cookies and advertising cookies

To use technically unnecessary cookies, we need the consent of website visitors. The consent also applies to the processing of personal data by service providers in the USA. According to a decision by the ECJ, the USA does not provide an adequate level of data protection.

As soon as website visitors access the website, a banner appears asking them to consent to analysis cookies and advertising cookies. Website visitors can give their consent to analysis and advertising cookies by clicking the “Accept all cookies” button or refuse their consent by clicking only the technically necessary cookies using the “Save selection” button.

If you want to give consent only to analysis cookies, select “Analysis cookies” and then click “Save selection” to give consent to analysis cookies. If you want to consent only to the use of advertising cookies, select “Advertising cookies” and then click “Save selection” to give consent to advertising cookies.

Advertisements on other websites for will only be displayed on other channels if website visitors have given their consent to advertising cookies. From a technical point of view, some analysis cookies listed under “Used cookies” also serve as advertising cookies, but advertising is only displayed based on consent to analysis cookies if website visitors have also given consent to advertising cookies.

Processed data

When visiting the website, the following data is processed in the event of consent to analysis cookies and advertising cookies:

  • the IP address in anonymized form,
  • technical information about the browser, the end device, and the screen resolution,
  • the accessed page, accessed content, duration of stay, mouse movements, click and scroll behavior, and
  • the source from which website visitors arrived at the website and
  • demographic data.

In the case of consent to advertising cookies, data about the end device of the website visitors and the IP address in anonymized form are processed. Analysis cookies are sometimes reused for advertising activities on other channels after visiting the website.

Reuse only occurs if website visitors have given consent to advertising cookies in the cookie banner. This means that recognition takes place based on the information stored by the cookies, and subsequently, advertisements for the homepage are displayed on Google websites.

The collection of demographic data is based on data exchanged during technical communication between the server and the client. Through text files stored on the end device of website visitors, information about gender and interests is registered and stored. Demographic data include, for example, age, gender, and interests of website visitors, the language of website visitors, or a country assignment.

These data are collected to gain insights into the target audience of a website or to define a target group based on the results.

The purpose of processing demographic data is to tailor the offer to the respective target group, business analysis, and performance reports.

Storage duration

The data processed using analysis cookies are stored for six (Google and Microsoft) or twelve months (Hotjar). The data processed using advertising cookies are stored for six months. After that, the data is deleted, and website visitors are again asked to accept cookies.

Advertisements displayed based on consent to advertising cookies may continue to be displayed on third-party websites for 24 months, even if consent to advertising cookies has already been revoked on the homepage in the meantime.

Technical background in case of consent

If consent is given, a so-called tracking code is executed, which sets several cookies in the browser of the end device of the website visitors. These cookies determine the activities of the website visitors on the website.

For example, a session cookie determines how long website visitors stay on the website, and recognition cookies determine whether the website visitors are new. Using a cookie that enables recognition, advertisements can also be displayed on a third-party website.

The legal basis for the use of analysis and advertising cookies is therefore solely the consent of the website visitors. The consent also applies to data processing in the USA. If no consent is given (confirmation of only the technically necessary cookies using “Save selection”), no analysis and advertising cookies are used. However, the website can also be used without consent.

Linking other personal data with the IP address is generally not possible through the use of analysis cookies. Further personal data may be linked with the IP address in the event of consent to advertising cookies in the cookie banner if website visitors receive advertisements for on third-party websites.

Revocation of consent to analysis cookies and advertising cookies

Consent to analysis and advertising cookies can be revoked at any time. By clicking on the “Cookie settings” link in the footer of the homepage, a cookie banner is called up. If only the technically necessary cookies are confirmed using the “Save selection” button in the cookie banner, this revokes the consent to analysis and advertising cookies.


In connection with the use of technically unnecessary cookies, profiling occurs with some cookies. “Profiling” means the automated processing of personal data considering personal aspects, especially for analyzing or predicting these aspects, for example, regarding personal preferences or interests or usage behavior.

Profiling is often used to make predictions about people by using data from different sources to draw conclusions about a person based on the characteristics of other but statistically similar people.

Profiling measures can be of significant benefit to an organization as they increase efficiency and save resources. Application areas of profiling measures include better market segmentation and the targeted alignment of services and products to the individual needs of the population.

Regarding the analysis of websites and the use of marketing services from third-party providers, profiling activities may occur. Website visitors are not required to provide data for profiling purposes.

Individuals affected by profiling measures have the right to object to this processing at any time. Profiling for advertising purposes can be rejected without giving reasons.

The data categories used for profiling are usually based on the click behavior of website visitors on websites (preferences and interests can be derived from this), reading information from files stored on the end device, and the IP address of website visitors.

Under “Used cookies,” there is a list of cookies used on the website:

Consent to technically unnecessary cookies by website visitors applies to the domains,,,, and

Used cookies

Below is a list of cookies used on the website:

Technically necessary cookies





This cookie stores information that consent has not been given or has been revoked and that the cookie banner should be displayed again.

6 months


This cookie name is associated with the software Microsoft
Application Insights, which collects statistical usage and telemetry data for applications created on the Azure cloud platform. This is a “unique anonymous session identifier” cookie.

When the browser session ends


This cookie name is associated with the software Microsoft Application Insights, which collects statistical usage and telemetry data for applications created on the Azure cloud platform. It is a unique user recognition cookie that allows counting the number of users who access the application over time.

1 year

ARRAffinity / ARRAffinitySameSite

This cookie is set by websites running on the Windows Azure cloud platform. It is used for load balancing to ensure that visitor page requests are forwarded to the same server during each browser session.

3 months


Works with .AspNetCore.Session to provide protection against cross-site request forgery (also known as XSRF or CSRF).

When the browser session ends


This cookie stores the active client as selected in the header menu, for which actions are taken.

1 year


This cookie stores the active company as selected in the header menu, for which actions are taken.

1 year

Technically unnecessary cookies (analysis cookies, advertising cookies)





Google Analytics | This cookie is used for user identification,

2 years


Google Analytics | This cookie is used to throttle the request rate on the Google Analytics server||

1 minute


Google Analytics | This cookie measures user behavior |

24 hours


Google Tag Manager | Used by Google AdSense to experiment with advertising efficiency on websites that use their services

3 months


Hotjar cookie, which is set when users first land on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to store the Hotjar user ID unique to that site in the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID.

1 year


This should be found in session storage (as opposed to cookies). It is updated whenever a user recording starts and when data is sent through the WebSocket (users perform an action that Hotjar records).

When the browser session ends


When the Hotjar script is executed, we try to determine the most generic cookie path we should use instead of the hostname of the page. This is done so cookies can be shared across subdomains (if applicable). To determine this, we try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed.

When the browser session ends


This cookie stores user attributes sent through the Hotjar Identify API whenever the user is not in the sample. Collected attributes are only stored on Hotjar servers if users interact with a Hotjar feedback tool, but the cookie will be used regardless of whether a feedback tool is present.

When the browser session ends


This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether users are included in the data sample defined by your site’s pageview limit.

30 minutes


This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether users are included in the data sample defined by your site’s daily session limit.

30 minutes


This cookie is used by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user who has previously visited our website.

1 day


This cookie is used by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user who has previously visited our website.

1 day

Rights of the data subjects

Data subjects have the following rights:

  • Right to access
  • Right to erasure
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to restriction of processing
  • Revocation of a granted consent
  • Objection to processing
  • Objection to processing for advertising purposes
  • Objection to processing and restriction of processing
  • Right to complain to the data protection authority

When using cookies, it is usually not possible to assign the processed data (e.g., IP address in anonymized form) to the identity of the website visitors, which is why it is not or only partially possible to comply with a data subject request.

Website visitors can revoke their consent to analysis and advertising cookies by clicking the “Cookie settings” button at the bottom of the website (in the bar at “Imprint”). In the cookie banner, consent can be revised by confirming only the technically necessary cookies using the “Save selection” button.

Further information on data protection can be found in the privacy statements of the respective platforms.

Changes to this Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy will be revised if necessary. The processing of personal data is subject to the respective current version of the policy.

This Cookie Policy was last updated in May 2024.